Privacy and Security on eZanalytics

Q: How is eZanalytics data secured?
A: eZanalytics application data is secured in transit using TLS, and encrypted at rest in eZdia’s proprietary analytics database format. eZanalytics logical...
Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 at 10:03 AM
Q: How secure is the chrome extension?
A: eZanalytics complies with Google's Content Security Policy to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.  This allows us to create an allowlist of sources...
Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 at 10:04 AM
Q: How do I delete my account and make sure my data is erased?
A: Please contact to delete your eZanalytics company account or individual profile.  We will ensure all company or individual accounts dat...
Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 at 10:04 AM