A: Based on the eZanalytics notification type, you could optimize the low-performing eCommerce pages. Below are the details:
If Conversion Rate Has Dropped - Conversion rate is usually associated with page quality. So, having a well-structured web page helps in improving the conversion rate. The key elements to check are:
Detailed product copy including the key features and attributes.
Good product images and videos
Product FAQs
Free shipping and specials offer
Good shopping cart experience
Show contact info and offer live chat
Good site filters
Product reviews
Clear, big calls to action
Optimizing the above elements of an eCommerce page facing conversion rate drop will help to recover and improve the performance.
If the session has dropped - There could be a different prospect of session drop like:
Is the decline is a sharp, sudden drop-off, or a slow and steady decline?
Did the traffic only dip for a few days?
Does it look like the traffic is beginning to recover on its own?
if the drop was sharp, sudden, and isn’t recovering then the website could be suffering from a Google penalty. However, if the dip only lasts a few days and looks like it’s recovering on its own, the website may have just had connectivity issues that were fixed over a few days.
To improve the performance of an eCommerce page facing sessions drop issue, you should analyze the following:
Check out the Google algorithm changes
Check out the search console for any penalty
Check out the backlinks losses
Check out the targeted keyword’s ranking trend. Lower search rankings that in turn lead to traffic drops.
Fix Page Redesign/Updates Issues
Fix Technical SEO Issues
Fix Low-Quality Content. Google punishes low-quality content and rewards high-quality content.
Fix the Meta Title and Description to improve the CTR.
If conversion has dropped - A decrease in the transaction is the most critical metric to observe and fix. You should consider the following to improve the conversions on an eCommerce page:
Re-analyze your landing page experience.
Improve the shopping cart experience of users.
If the account creation process takes too long or there’s an issue on the payment page, we should fix it.
Send a pop-up or email notification to website visitors, offering a discount.
Optimizing or simplifying the checkout process.
Make the page more user friendly via adding the conversion content on product page including the enhanced product images/videos, description, specifications, attributes, faqs, etc.